Flappy bird online us
Flappy bird online us

flappy bird online us

Control yourself - the Dong Nguyen game can be completed without loss. Many players smashed their smartphones and tablets while trying to score a few dozen points. It just so happens that Flappy Bird has gained immense popularity due to its combination of difficulty and simple gameplay. For 30 points you get a gold medal, for 40 you get a platinum one. If you manage to score 20 points or more, the medal will be silver. Control your flight by touching the touch screen.įor 10 successful flights you will be awarded a bronze medal. On its way there are pairs of pipes with the same gap, but at different heights. Each flight between pipes is worth a point. If you let the bird collide with the pipes or fall due to lack of jerking, the game will end. When you touch the screen, Fabi the bird quickly rises above the pipes. The goal is to lead the Faby bird between the rows of green pipes. Simple gameplay and dynamism attract millions of players around the world.


Want to unravel the secrets of Flappy Bird's popularity? There is nothing easier - start the game!įlappy Bird is a popular iOS and Android arcade game developed by Dong Nguyen in 2012. In the same row with the game were the World Cup, the Philae spacecraft and the Ice Bucket Challenge.

  • Before the new year 2014, Google named Flappy Bird as one of the most popular phenomena of the year.
  • One of them, Swing Copters, uses the same gameplay as Flappy Bird. In the same year, three more games were created.
  • In addition to Flappy Bird, Dong Nguyen also developed Super Ball Juggling and Shuriken Block, which ranked #6 and #18 in the App Store in 2014.
  • Some versions available in Android apps have been found to contain malware. At its peak, the number of remakes and parodies of Flappy Bird increased by 60 per day. The most successful of them are Flappy Bert from Sesame Street and Fall Out Bird from Fall Out Boy.
  • Flappy Bird has spawned numerous clones.
  • Immediately after that, clones of the game began to multiply, most of them were far from the original, but some managed to break into the top charts. According to the developer, the reason was a sense of guilt towards the players who became addicted to the "clapping bird". In February 2014, Dong removed the game from the App Store and Google Play.


    Spiteful critics did not prevent the growth of popularity, already in January 2014 the game turned out to be the most downloaded free toy in the App Store, every day advertising within the application brought the developer 50 thousand dollars. Not without criticism, some considered the toy complicated, others suspected Dong of plagiarism, others insisted that Flappy Bird was addictive. There are no impassable and overly complicated levels in the game: "Everything is clean, extremely difficult and incredibly fun to play."įollowing its launch (May 24, 2013), Flappy Bird has become very popular. In a simple and dynamic Flappy Bird, the developer used a bird invented earlier for a canceled game. The creator of the game does not hide the fact that the development took only a few days. While mastering and analyzing popular games, Dong Nguyen came to the conclusion that most of them are too difficult. While studying at the University of Hanoi, Dong won an internship at Punch Entertainment, a video game company. At 16, he was already designing his own toys. The future programmer Dong Nguyen was born near Hanoi (Vietnam) and has been fond of computer games since childhood. The player directs the flight of the bird between the rows of pipes and tries not to hit them. In 2012, the game was developed by the Vietnamese Dong Nguyen. Flappy Bird is a mobile game for both iOS and Android platforms.

    Flappy bird online us